Sewing Caravan Project Part 3

Sewing Caravan Project Part 3

After renovating and painting our 1980s Abi Ace Globetrotter caravan, which you can follow here and here, I’ve moved into it as a temporary sewing space. In the busy time leading up to Christmas, I spent many early mornings in here wrapping and packing orders, with...
Sewing Caravan Project Part 2

Sewing Caravan Project Part 2

If you saw the “before” photos of our little Abi Ace Globetrotter in the previous post, I hope you’ll agree that a few coats of paint have improved the interior a lot! The teal colour was left over from a decorating project in the house, and I mixed the sunny yellow...
Sewing Room Stories ~ Post Office Drawers

Sewing Room Stories ~ Post Office Drawers

One of my first holiday jobs in the 1980s was helping in the tiny Post Office on the island where I grew up. I loved sorting the mail, using the handheld date stamp to frank all the outgoing post and sealing the mailbags ready to be collected and taken by tractor to...
My Sewing Space

My Sewing Space

I thought I’d show you my workspace, where all the puffins and other creations come to life.I move everything around now and then to make the space work better, and it’s always revitalising to have a “new” place to work. The latest revamp includes painted pegboard to...