30 Handmade Gifts for Dogs & Dog Lovers

30 Handmade Gifts for Dogs & Dog Lovers

If you have dogs or dog lovers on your Christmas list, this round-up of handmade gifts has plenty of ideas. Among all the mass-produced items for sale online, often in places where they are marketed as handmade, it can be challenging to find goods which are genuinely...
Christmas Puffins & New Ornaments

Christmas Puffins & New Ornaments

This year the puffins have dressed up for Christmas in colourful hats with white trim and bobbles. I first made these last year for a wholesale customer’s last-minute order. This year they’re in my shop too! Emerald green is popular for Christmas decor...
Autumn Crafting Ideas

Autumn Crafting Ideas

My newest felt ornament pattern is ready just in time for Autumn and Halloween. Myrtle the Witch is probably more cute rather than scary! She and her little black cat are ready to jump on their broom and fly off on magical adventures. Myrtle is one of my more detailed...
An Interview for Sew Magazine Part 2

An Interview for Sew Magazine Part 2

Continuing my interview with Sew Magazine. You can read the first part here. We absolutely love your latest book Felt Ornaments for All Occasions! What inspired you to write this book? What do you want readers to take away from it? I had always wanted to write a...
An Interview for Sew Magazine Part 1

An Interview for Sew Magazine Part 1

I was delighted to be interviewed by the UK’s top sewing magazine this month! It was fun to trace the development of my business right back from the beginning, through its various stages to the present, and the publication of my book, Felt Ornaments For All...